Press release 29 June 2018

Agreement with IFP Energies nouvelles

The two companies have signed a framework partnership agreement aiming to develop their collaboration.

Storengy and IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) have signed a framework partnership agreement

This partnership aims to develop collaboration in research and innovation in the field of the energy transition. This agreement is part of a common desire to transfer skills from the exploitation of hydrocarbons to new energies.

Five fields of application are concerned: energy storage, geothermal energy, hydrogen, digital transformation and digital tools. Storengy and IFPEN wish to develop innovative technologies for high-performance clean energy production and storage projects.

Through this agreement, Storengy and IFPEN will strengthen their synergies and contribute to the rise of new, different industrial sectors in the field of energy transition.

« We are happy to be able to work with Storengy, a renowned player on the storage and geothermal energy markets. Partnerships with industrial players are part of IFPEN’s DNA. They enable us to benefit from our research and ensure we are aware of the market’s needs », underlines Didier Houssin, President of IFPEN.

« Storengy salutes this agreement with IFPEN, which is a fantastic opportunity to pursue common research and development projects in order to offer concrete, innovative and replicable solutions », declares Cécile Prévieu, CEO of Storengy.

About Storengy

Storengy, an ENGIE subsidiary, is one of the world leaders in underground natural gas storage. It designs, builds and operates storage facilities and offers its customers innovative products based on the extensive know-how it has acquired through 60 years’ experience with different markets and regulatory environments. The company owns 21 natural gas storage sites with a total capacity of 12.2 bn m3. Drawing on its world-renowned knowledge and its experience in storage operation and sales in France, Germany and the UK, Storengy is positioned today as a key player in the development of geothermal energy (heat/cold production and power generation), as well as innovative production and storage solutions for carbon-free energy (biomethane, hydrogen, Power-to-Gas, synthetic methane, …). Storengy supplies its know-how to customers worldwide in a vast range of projects, favouring an industrial approach forged around partnerships.

Press contact: Agnieszka Urbaniec -          

About IFP Energies nouvelles

IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) is a major player in the research and training in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. From research to the industry, technological innovation is at the heart of their activity, which are built around three strategic priorities: sustainable mobility, new energies and responsible

Press contact: Anne-Laure de Marignan – – Phone: 01 47 52 62 07