Storengy partner of the city of Annecy
Storengy and the city of Annecy (74) have entered into an unprecedented partnership to develop a renewable energy coupling project.

On 18 June 2021, Storengy and the City of Annecy signed a partnership agreement as part of the ADEME APRED 2017 project, with the ambition to enhance geothermal energy and develop new associated concepts. In addition to improving the existing energy system at the " Equipment for children Vallin-Fier", this project combines geothermal energy and solar thermal energy, an unprecedented approach that will serve as a demonstrator for other existing and future building programmes.
The combination of solar and geothermal energy, a unique solution for a school complex
The "Vallin-Fier" complex, which includes a primary school, a nursery school, a gymnasium and a crèche, was initially equipped with a geothermal system consisting of 18 vertical geothermal probes and a heat pump. As this process is unbalanced in the summer/winter alternation to supply the complex in the long term, it was necessary for the City of Annecy and Storengy to work on a sustainable energy solution to meet heating needs.
The project includes the installation of thermal solar panels on the roof of the building to capture heat during the summer. The captured energy will be stored underground and used in the winter to heat the building. This additional heat will complement the heat produced during the summer when the sensor system is used to cool the buildings. At the same time, two underground temperature probes will be installed in the basement (approximately -130 metres) to monitor its temperature and measure the efficiency of the coupling in real time, a first in France.
With this project, which will be monitored over the long term, the city of Annecy wants to ensure the long-term future of its facilities and contribute to the greening of its energy mix. Storengy will support the City of Annecy by providing its recognised expertise in the field of geosciences and energy production engineering with a view to deploying coupled geo-energy solutions. The University of Savoie Mont-Blanc, which is at the forefront of solar thermal energy, will also be associated with this project, as will ADEME: a project anchored in the territories, serving the energy efficiency of buildings!